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Transgender, Gender Nonbinary, Genderfluid, Two-Spirit, Gender Non-Conforming, & Genderqueer People

Updated: Aug 31, 2021

A Statement in Support from NPSC & SPR


An alarming number of states are currently considering discriminatory bills focused on limiting the rights of transgender, gender nonbinary, genderfluid, two-spirit, gender non-conforming, and genderqueer people (TGNC[1]), with more than 80 bills having been introduced in 2021 alone. Unfortunately, a vast majority of the legislation specifically targets minors. These discriminatory bills will sharply reduce legal rights and equitable access to services and will significantly impact the health and well-being of TGNC people, their families, and our society at large. Already, TGNC people experience substantial discrimination and barriers to services and care, including access to trans-affirming health care (Bradford et al., 2013; Reisner et al., 2014); restrictions in athletics (Goldberg, 2021); harassment, intimidation, and bullying in schools and the workplace (Kosciw, et al., 2012); punitive practices in the juvenile and criminal justice systems (Center for American Progress, et al., 2016); and rejection and banishment by family members (Abreu, et al., 2019; Katz-Wise, et al., 2016). Importantly, they are also less likely to access the limited array of trans-affirming mental health care (Carter et al., 2019), which is particularly alarming: The Trevor Project’s 2021 survey results report that more than half of transgender and gender nonbinary youth seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year (The Trevor Project, 2021). The Society for Prevention Research (SPR) and the National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives (NPSC) strongly encouraged members to act in support of TGNC people and their families and to fight against legislation aimed at reducing the legal and human rights of US citizens. SPR and NPSC further urge their members to actively oppose stigmatizing and discriminatory legislation and language by identifying antitrans attitudes in research, policy, and practice, and to take decisive steps toward correcting these harmful actions. Finally, SPR and NPSC members are urged to share relevant research with state and local policymakers that consistently demonstrates the destructive effects of discrimination.


[1] For the purposes of this statement, we use the acronym TGNC (short for transgender and gender nonconforming) to represent transgender, gender nonbinary, genderfluid, two-spirit, gender non-conforming, and genderqueer people. We intend for the acronym and our terms to be as broadly inclusive as possible, and we recognize that some TGNC people do not ascribe to these terms. Readers are referred to the American Psychological Association (2015, Appendix A) for a listing of terms that include various TGNC identity labels.


  • Make your voices heard. Use the ACLU Tracker to monitor bills introduced in US states and contact state and local representatives to voice opposition to these oppressive actions and let them know these bills are cruel and anti-science.

  • Join the Count Me In Campaign of the Human Rights Campaign.

  • Connect with local LGBTQ+ organizations and advocates and educate yourself on being an ally: National Center for Transgender Equality – A Guide to Being a Good Ally.

  • Initiate or get involved in trans-inclusive initiatives at your institutions.

  • Ensure representation and reporting of TGNC populations in research. The Sexual and Gender Minority Research Office of the National Institutes of Health provides examples of sexual orientation and gender identity questions.

  • Actively advocate for an increase in funding for mental and physical health services for TGNC people, including parity in insurance coverage.

  • Actively advocate for an increase in funding for prevention research and programming aimed at reducing systemic- and individual-level stigma and discrimination against transgender people.

In solidarity,


August 2021



Abreu, R. L., Rosenkrantz, D. E., Ryser-Oatman, J. T., Rostosky, S. S., & Riggle, E. D. B. (2019). Parental reactions to transgender and gender diverse children: A literature review.Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 15(5), 461-485.

American Psychological Association. (2015). Guidelines for psychological practice with transgender and gender nonconforming people. American Psychologist, 70(9), 832-864.

Bradford, J., Reisner, S. L., Honnold, J. A., & Xavier, J. (2013). Experiences of transgender-related discrimination and implications for health: Results from the Virginia Transgender Health Initiative Study. American Journal of Public Health, 103(10),1820-1829.

Carter, S. P., Cowan, T., Snow, A., Cerel, J., & Tucker, R. (2020). Health insurance and mental health care utilization among adults who identify as transgender and gender diverse. Psychiatric Services, 71(2), 151-157.

Center for American Progress, & Movement Advancement Project. (2016). Unjust: How the broken criminal justice system fails transgender people. Denver, CO: Movement Advancement Project. Retrieved from

Goldberg, S. K. (2021). Fair play: The importance of sports participation for transgender youth. Washington, DC: Center for American Progress. Retrieved from

Katz-Wise, S. L., Rosario, M., & Tsappis, M. (2016). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth and family acceptance.Pediatric Clinics of North America, 63(6), 1011-1025.

Kosciw, J. G., Greytak, E. A., Bartkiewicz, M. J., Boesen, M. J., & Palmer, N. A. (2012). The 2011 National School Climate Survey: The experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth in our nation’s schools. New York, NY: GLSEN.

Reisner, S. L., White, J. M., Bradford, J. B., & Mimiaga, M. J. (2014). Transgender Health Disparities: Comparing Full Cohort and Nested Matched-Pair Study Designs in a Community Health Center. LGBT health, 1(3), 177–184.

The Trevor Project. (2021). National survey on LGBTQ youth mental health 2021. West Hollywood, CA: The Trevor Project. Retrieved from

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