National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives
A professional organization dedicated to translating scientific knowledge from the field of prevention science into effective and sustainable practices, systems and policies.
Facilitating Evidence-based Policy:
Connecting Researchers and Legislative Staff

The growing use of scientific evidence in public policy is leading to greater accountability and effective government. Early successes have highlighted the importance of strong connections between legislative and research communities to create and translate research into actionable intelligence. The National Prevention Science Coalition, through its Research-to-Policy Collaboration project, hosted a briefing to discuss opportunities to overcome barriers and better support offices’ evidence-based policymaking efforts. In particular, this session considered promising approaches to strengthen connections between the research and policy arenas – moving beyond research synthesis available through traditional resources.
This briefing described a systematic process for researchers to understand legislators’ most pressing needs and facilitate timely connections with independent, outside researchers and scientific experts. Senior staffers from House and Senate offices and research experts involved with the Research-to-Policy Collaboration shared their experiences connecting with one another around legislators’ current priorities. In addition to describing new resources for legislative staff and how these processes may fuel policy-responsive research, this briefing provided an opportunity for legislative staff to engage in discussion about ways to further strengthen the use of research in policymaking.
Thank you to our honorary co-sponsors:
Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)
Max Crowley, Pennsylvania State University and the National Prevention Science Coalition

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National Prevention Science Coalition

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Evelyn Fortier (Sen. Grassley)
Anna Hevia (Rep. Cardenas)

Senior Staffers' Experiences Connecting with Research Experts
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Shelby Hickman &
Robin Kimbrough-Melton

Research Experts' Experiences Connecting with Legislative Staff
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Jeremy Ayers,
Results for America

Discussant Commentary on Evidence-Based Policy
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