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NPSC Projects

The NPSC engages in a range of efforts, including voluntary, prospective, and contracted initiatives.

Below is a list of ongoing efforts.

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Americans care about the nation’s nearly 74 million children and youth and recognize the urgent need to address the challenges they face to their healthy development and wellbeing. Yet, despite our collective commitment to children and vast array of available health and educational resources, statistics reflecting the state of their health and wellbeing are sobering. The good news is that we already know what children need to thrive and, fortunately, solutions are at hand. We need unprecedented mobilization in the form of a well-coordinated national strategy across all sectors in society to prioritize the health and wellbeing of every child in America – this is the DECADE OF THE CHILD!


Consortium to Advance Prevention Solutions to the Opioid Crisis (CAPSOC)

Overarching mission of CAPSOC: To advance a blueprint for building a system of prevention supports into a comprehensive strategy to reduce substance use disorders.

Woman Holding a Mobile Phone

Gamifying an Evidence-Based Parenting Intervention to Improve Access for Caregivers with Addiction to Reduce Substance Use Outcomes in Their Children

Funding for the project is provided in full by the University of Baltimore’s Center for Drug Policy and Prevention (CDPP); Combating  Overdose Through Community-level Intervention Initiative (COCLI) Initiative, funded by the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA)/ONDCP

Proud Parents

Supporting Families Project (North Carolina)

Funding for the project is provided in full by the University of Baltimore/High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA)/Office for National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)

Two Friends

Improving Outcomes for Children of Caregivers with Substance Use Disorders (Pennsylvania)

Funding for the project is provided in full by the Partnership for Better Health

Person Analyzing Data

National Automated Clearinghouse for Evidence-Based Programs and Policies (NACEPP)

The NPSC has conceived of a proposal to create a clearinghouse that will meet the Evidence-Based Policy Act (EBPA) mandate to infuse scientific evidence into the decisions of policy-makers and increase the utility of that information for end-users.

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