National Prevention Science Coalition
to Improve Lives
A professional organization dedicated to translating scientific knowledge from the field of prevention science into effective and sustainable practices, systems and policies.
Violence Prevention Working Group
The Violence Prevention Workgroup (VPWG) operates under the auspices of the National Prevention Science Coalition (NPSC) which, in turn, is comprised of approximately 800 social science scholars, researchers, practitioners, advocates, and clinicians who are dedicated to translating scientific knowledge into effective and sustainable practices, systems, and policies. We discuss current and upcoming events and invite scholars to present their ongoing work. Over the next few months, the VPWG will develop specific strategies to broaden the adoption of evidence-practices and policies.
The VPWG hosts monthly webinars on the prevention of violence, utilizing multiple perspectives and disciplines. Our speakers present on a topic of the their choice. We only ask that they include a discussion on policy advocacy. These meetings are open to individuals who have a keen interest in or are part of violence prevention initiatives. For now, the NPSC is proudly sharing these videos with our entire membership; however, we plan to restrict these in the future for paying members only. Prominent speakers (to name a few) have included:
Dr. Jeffrey Butts, Director of the Research & Evaluation Center at John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Dr. Dennis Embry, Senior Scientist at PAXIS Institute
Danielle Sered, Executive Director of Common Justice and Author of, Until We Reckon: Violence, Mass Incarceration, and a Road to Repair
Get Involved
Rutgers University
Dr. Steven Berkowitz
University of Pennsylvania
Mr. Luis Cardona
County Gov’t
Ms. Kayla DeCant
Dr. Dennis Embry
PAXIS Institute
Dr. Dorothy Espelage
UNC-Chapel Hill
Dr. Diana Fishbein
Penn State University
Ms. Faith Fuller
Dr. Abigail Gewirtz
University of Minnesota
Dr. Phillip Graham
Ms. Bevin Gwiazdowski
Dr. Stephanie Hawkins
Dr. Robin Jenkins
Dr. Shameka Johnson
Dr. Sharon Kingston
Dr. Laurel Kiser
Ms. Kristen Krackle
Dr. Jaime Lagunez
Dr. Phillip Leaf
Johns Hopkins
Ms. Stephanie Mann
Safe Kids Now
Dr. Jennifer Matjasko
Dr. Barbara Melamed
Behavior Medicine Associates & Hawaii University
Dr. Kristin Moore
Child Trends
Dr. Michael B. Mushlin
Dr. John Roman
Dr. Arthur Romano
George Mason University
Dr. Peter Scharf
Bonnie Seilier
Julia Silva
Dr. Sharon Stephan
Dr. Brandon Stratford
Child Trends
Dr. Brita Theadford
Sisterhood Inc. & Rowan University
Dr. Michael Vanyukov
University of Pittsburgh
Mr. Bobby Vassar
Legislative Chief Counsel (retired)
Dr. Rebecca Vivrette
Dr. Geroma Void
Dr. Daniel Webster
Dr. Monica Wendel
University of Louisville
Dr. Jacob Werblow
Central Connecticut State University
Dr. Anna Yaros
Dr. Xan Young
American Institute for Research