National Prevention Science Coalition
to Improve Lives
A professional organization dedicated to translating scientific knowledge from the field of prevention science into effective and sustainable practices, systems and policies.
Affiliated Organizations
The NPSC works closely with other coalitions, associations, and organizations in order to network with others supporting the promotion of prevention policies and related shared interests. This can range from being a non-paying supporter of the coalition to various collaboration projects. The following affiliations linked below are those that have been formally recognized by both the NPSC and the affiliate organization.
If you wish to become a formal affiliate or recommend a like-minded organization,
contact: Jessica Stavig, Director of Strategic Development
Note: The statements and opinions expressed by the NPSC do not necessarily represent the individual views of our members and affiliated organizations.
For questions or concerns regarding our policies, contact Faith Fuller, Financial Officer
A national organization dedicated to addiction prevention, treatment and recovery, our researchers, policy professionals, advocates, and clinicians partner with organizations across public and private sectors, and with local, state and national governments to help families affected by substance use and addiction.
PAXIS Institute, international prevention science company, operates in the United States, Canada, Indigenous groups, European Union, Australia/New Zealand. PAXIS promotes population-level implementation of the Good Behavior Game, Tobacco Control, reductions of adult addictions, and of evidence-based kernels for families, clinicians, and institutions for population-level wellbeing.
Triple P is a system of evidence-based parenting interventions committed to supporting all parents at the right amount, time, and place with concrete strategies to build strong relationships, promote child well-being, and confidently manage everyday and more complex parenting challenges.
Furthermore, listed below are coalitions that the NPSC has joined:
Opportunity Nation
National Juvenile Justice Network
Americas Promise Alliance
Youth Promise Act Taskforce
National Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Coalition
Coalition for the Promotion of Behavioral Health
Injury & Violence Prevention Network (IVPN)
Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG)
March for Science (MFS)