National Prevention Science Coalition
to Improve Lives
A professional organization dedicated to translating scientific knowledge from the field of prevention science into effective and sustainable practices, systems and policies.
Action Committees
The NPSC engages in translational and transformative activities at all levels to exert a positive impact on individuals, families and communities. Much of our work is developed within and among these three interrelated committees. For more information about a committee or to get involved, please contact the appropriate committee chair listed below.
This committee’s role, in support of NPSC’s mission, is to effectively frame and communicate prevention science knowledge and best practices for adoption by decision-makers, practitioners, and the general public.
This is accomplished through activities targeted to specific audiences that promote the uptake of prevention science with the goal to inform knowledge, attitudes, and actions.
This committee engages in outreach activities across sectors, including researchers, practitioners, community and national organizations, federal agency administrators and policy makers, to (a) identify mission alignments; (b) develop relationships; (c) determine how partnerships and collaborations can advance joint agendas; and (d) formalize associations for more intensive ongoing efforts to apply the science of prevention to improve effectiveness of practices, systems, and policies.
This committee serves in an ongoing capacity as a body of experts to educate and engage policymakers and administrative staff at all levels regarding relevant aspects of prevention science that can inform their decision-making, thereby increasing the benefits and reducing the costs of resultant policies and practices.
Working groups are less formal than our standing committees and are designed to address areas of concern to us.
For a list of members in the Poverty Reduction Working Group, click here.
For a list of members in the Violence Prevention Working Group, click here.