National Prevention Science Coalition
to Improve Lives
A professional organization dedicated to translating scientific knowledge from the field of prevention science into effective and sustainable practices, systems and policies.
Guiding Principles
The NPSC is comprised of scientists (across disciplines), educators, community stakeholders, practitioners and clinicians, policy makers, advocates, and foundation representatives who work in a nonpartisan manner with Congressional offices and caucuses. Additionally, we work with federal agency administrators who advise us and incorporate Prevention Science in their work (e.g., NIH, SAMHSA, ONDCP, and CDC) and collaborate with like-minded groups and organizations. Our ultimate goal is to alter the mindset of the public and private sectors based on an understanding of what Prevention Science has to offer so to avoid behavioral and health challenges and increase resiliency. For these purposes, we ask that core members keep the following guidance in mind, depending on the relevance to their professional positions and personal lives.
1. Engage in Transdisciplinary Research: I intend to fully engage and work with the members of this Coalition to assume a team science approach, involving investigators from a broad range of disciplines appropriate to address the scientific questions at hand, to serve on review committees to provide that perspective whenever possible, and to work with funding agencies and policy-makers to promote transdisciplinary science.
2. Apply a Translational Approach to Research and Practice: I intend to fully partner and work with the members of this Coalition to develop ideas and research designs that are conducive to direct translational to practice and policy. I will also build into my proposals the concept and budget for implementation, dissemination, communication and other activities that will further translation whenever possible and appropriate.
3. Pursue Joint Collaborations on Proposals, Publications, Presentations, and Practices: I intend to contribute to special publications, talks (e.g., conferences, workshops, briefings, etc.) and other products, as appropriate, to promote this initiative.
4. Provide Students and Early Career Investigators with Opportunities to Engage in Transdisciplinary, Translational Research: I intend to identify opportunities for developing scientists to engage in this research and its dissemination.
5. Identify Opportunities to Develop Intellectual Property and Commercialization of Research Products for Public and Private Sectors: I intend to identify opportunities to collaborate with commercial entities, as appropriate, with a goal toward developing IP and other products that will further the ability to translate science to practice.
6. Act on Opportunities to Disseminate Findings to Public and Private Sectors: I intend to pursue opportunities to disseminate my research findings to entities that serve to improve conditions for individuals, families, and communities, such as policy-makers, educators, and community organizations. In addition, where appropriate, I will share my findings and their implcations for social benefit with the media, including opinion editorials, blogs, white papers, and so forth.