National Prevention Science Coalition
to Improve Lives
A professional organization dedicated to translating scientific knowledge from the field of prevention science into effective and sustainable practices, systems and policies.
Become an Affiliate Organization
The NPSC works closely with several other coalitions, associations, and organizations dedicated to promoting healthy families and communities. We believe that each organization offers unique strengths and by working together on shared interests we can achieve the greatest impact. As each organization has varying budgets and commitments there is flexibility in how we collaborate. As such, we've created four levels of affiliation to meet differing needs which range from a non-paying supporter to a platinum affiliation receiving nearly 20 benefits from the NPSC. Organizations interested in the Gold and Platinum level benefits also have two options for qualifying: 1) payment or 2) growing our membership by the specified number. Your organizational involvement at any level is welcomed and would be a valued addition to our rapidly growing ranks.
Additionally, the NPSC offers a lifetime founding membership to foundations. If interested, please contact us for further information about benefits and pricing.
If you wish to become an organizational affiliate of the NPSC or recommend a like-minded organization that you believe we should join forces with, contact: Jessica Stavig, Director of Strategic Development