National Prevention Science Coalition
to Improve Lives
A professional organization dedicated to translating scientific knowledge from the field of prevention science into effective and sustainable practices, systems and policies.
Board of Directors & Officers
Our Mission:
To prevent social ills and promote wellbeing by translating
scientific knowledge into effective and sustainable
practices, systems and policies.
President & Co-Director
Diana Fishbein, Ph.D.
FPG Child Development Institute, UNC-Chapel Hill & Pennsylvania State University
VP & Co-Director
John Roman, Ph.D.
NORC, University of Chicago
Sharon Kingston, Ph.D. Dickinson College
Financial Officer
Faith Fuller, MBA
Financial Analytic &
Strategic Services for
Gov’t and Nonprofit
Director of Strategic Development
Jessica Stavig M.A.
National Prevention Science Coalition
Susan Andersen, Ph.D. Harvard Medical School & McLean Hospital
Christina Bethell, Ph.D. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Tony Biglan, Ph.D.
Oregon Research Institute
Pamela Buckley, Ph.D.
University of Colorado Boulder
Max Crowley, Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University
Abigail Gewirtz, Ph.D. Arizona State University
Chair, Violence Prevention Work Group
Michael Greene, Ph.D.
Rutgers University
Robin Jenkins, Ph.D.
The Impact Center at FPG Child Development Institute, UNC-Chapel Hill
NPSC Bulletin Editor
& Podcast Host
Robert LaChausse, Ph.D.
California Baptist University
Aaron Mindel
Mindel Management
Ron Prinz, Ph.D.
University of South Carolina
Stefany Ramos, Ph.D.
RTI International
Taylor Scott, Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University
Paula Smith, Ph.D.
University of Utah
Bobby Vassar
Former Chief
Legislative Counsel, Subcommittee on Crime, US House Judiciary Committee
Christy Visher, Ph.D.
University of Delaware