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As the very first organization in the U.S. to translate prevention science for policymakers, we have become a visible presence across several settings, from legislatures and agencies to communities where prevention can make a true difference in how people grow, play, work, and thrive. We believe that deeply caring about and dramatically improving the health, wellbeing, and productivity of the population must be the highest priority in our nation’s policy agenda.


Click here to see some of the exciting initiatives we will be working on in 2025 and JOIN US in making a difference! 

US Capitol in sunrise, Washington DC, USA
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A Call to Action!

A National Research and Policy Agenda Focused on Whole Child Health and Wellbeing

Read more about this NEW initiative >>


Along the many roads we travel, it is apparent that most people, from the general public to policymakers, are unfamiliar with what Prevention Science is or even that there is a science to prevention!  That unfamiliarity translates to a general lack of uptake of our science, the evidence base and the strategies it has generated.  This statement was formulated to inform a wide range of audiences and, in turn, begin a dialogue about ways in which Prevention Science can be integrated into mindsets, practices and policies. 


Click here to read our definition that nearly 30 organizations have endorsed! 

Major Events

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Live Webinar: Establishing a Neuro-Nurturing® Community to Support Flourishing Families

Friday, January 10th, 2025 | 2:00 - 3:00 PM CST 

Click Here for More Information & Registration

Virtual Congressional Briefing: Determining Best Strategies for Allocating the Pharmaceutical Settlement Dollars to Abate the Opioid Crisis: PART II

Watch the Replay

Two-Day Statewide Summit: Leveraging North Carolina's Assets to Prevent Child Trauma
Watch the Replay

Building a National Movement to Prevent Trauma and Foster Resilience: A series of 9 workshops hosted by the NPSC, CTIPP, and PACEs Connection.
Watch the Replays



Consortium to Advance Prevention Solutions to the Opioid Crisis

CAPSOC is a newly formed, large nationwide group of leading experts in SUD research, policy, and practice, representing the full spectrum of etiologists, epidemiologists, program developers and practitioners, intervention specialists, behavioral and social scientists, and policy researchers. We have assembled to advance a national system of prevention supports as an integral part of a comprehensive strategy to avert trajectories away from SUDs and their consequences. For more information including CAPSOCs purposes, activities, and accomplishments, click here

Resource Highlights

Science Advocacy Training
The NPSC has created this video for researchers to learn how to engage effectively with policymakers, including guidance on how to frame written products in an accessible format and communication skills that will facilitate policymakers' understanding of prevention science and its policy relevance. We believe this training will be helpful in ensuring our research has a sustainable impact on the phenomena we seek to prevent (e.g., behavioral and mental health problems) and conditions that foster healthy outcomes for children, families and communities.
How to Advocate with Whitney Marris from CTIPP

Grant Award News

National Governors Association: “Implementing a Trauma Informed Care (TIC) Approach to Prevent Addiction and Overdose."

Coordinating an effort to provide assistance to state governors' offices on the embedding of trauma-informed care across agencies and community-based hubs.

Award: $100,000 

University of Baltimore’s Center for Drug Policy and Prevention (CDPP): Combating  Overdose Through Community-level Intervention Initiative (COCLI) Initiative, funded by the ONDCP

Gamifying an Evidence-Based Parenting Intervention to Improve Access for Caregivers with Addiction to Reduce Substance Use Outcomes in Their Children

Award: $370,000


California Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC): California Violence Intervention and Prevention (CalVIP) Grant

The NPSC is leading a coalition of small grass roots nonprofits that work with youth and young adults by offering a paid job training program to engage youth who are at risk of violence and gang involvement. The trainings are led by credible messengers as mentors and leaders and in that includes job training, life skills, and conflict resolution.

Award: $400,000

Join our membership as we shape a national prevention agenda and place prevention at the center of debates!

We offer 5 membership plans with each receiving 10+ perks
for being a paying member!

Colorful Shapes Vibrant Pop General Use

NPSC values and upholds diversity, equity, and inclusion. Racism and exclusionary practices are harmful and antithetical to the dignity and respect that all people deserve.  We are committed to applying the principles and practices of prevention science to prevent harmful public policies and systems, and those that perpetuate systematic racism.

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